A platform called Sunday Creative and a podcast called The Sunday Podcast, that looks at business in 2021 and navigating your way through these changing times. The purpose of this study was to get insight on how people and companies have dealt with changes in business due to the pandemic. Talking to industry professionals, looking at losses and how to learn from them all, but also the big wins! This capstone looks at advertising, branding, social media, customer service, managing a team, as well as activism. The platform is a website that houses the podcast, blog posts regarding the interviews, as well as downloadable content that act as cheat sheets for all things business.
Sunday Creative and The Sunday Podcast was a culmination of my past 4 years at Ryerson, and all the incredible people I have met along the way. Sunday Creative will act as a platform to showcase work I create in collaboration with other brands, as well as insights on the world of business in different industries. The Sunday Podcast will continue to talk to industry professionals and speak on topics relevant to the times. I want to thank everyone who I had the honour to interview for The Sunday Podcast. As well as everyone who I have had the privilege to work with these past 4 years. From professors, my incredibly talented peers at Ryerson Fashion and Amsterdam Fashion Institute, and all the people I have met along the way at internships and freelance work. Cheers to continuously learning from each other and creating.